The Aeneid

Вергилий - The Aeneid

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"The Aeneid" is considered by some to be one of the most important epic poems of all time. The story is as much one of the great epic hero, Aeneas, as it is of the foundation of the great Roman Empire. Aeneas, a Trojan Prince, who escapes after the fall of troy, travels with others to Italy to lay the foundations for what would become the great Roman Empire.…

1962 - Легенда об Энее (La Leggenda di Enea)
Италия, Франция, Югославия, режиссёр Джорджо Вентурини.

Форма: поэма

Оригинальное название: Aenēis

Дата написания: 29-19 г. до н. э.


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