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The drag queen named Vera Reynolds swayed on-stage singing "Falling in Love Again." And a sixteen-year-old boy lay in Vera's fire-engulfed apartment . . . very, very dead. He was a "rent boy," a sex-for-hire street kid who catered to the tastes of special customers. It was the kind of murder Soho's Vice Squad saw often. But the influential do-gooder who was a prime suspect in this one made the young boy's death different--a ticking bomb able to blast open the nasty, secret lives of politicians, judges . . . and cops. Detective Jane Tennison had moved up the career ladder through sheer guts and an unstoppable passion for justice. Now,…
Цикл: Главный подозреваемый, книга №3

Форма: роман

Оригинальное название: Silent Victims

Дата написания: ~1993

Первая публикация: December 13, 1993

Язык: Английский

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