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A creeping shadow, a bump in the night, a thing in the trees -- these are but a few of the surprises lurking in the pages of The Cobbler of Ridingham, the eighth volume in author Jeffrey E. Barlough's acclaimed Western Lights series of fantasy-mystery novels. The new work relates a curious adventure that befell Richard Hathaway (Bertram of Butter Cross, Ebenezer Crackernut) while visiting at Haigh Hall, the home of a family acquaintance, Lady Martindale, on the marshes outside the quaint old town of Ridingham. What is the curse that hangs over the Martindales? What secrets preoccupy certain members of the household? What is it that her…
Цикл: Западные Огни, книга №8

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Форма: роман

Дата написания: 2014

Первая публикация: 2014

Язык: Английский

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