Моя оценка

Private detective Albert Campion's glorious summer in Pontisbright is blighted by death. Amidst the preparations for Minnie and Tonker Cassand's fabulous summer party a murder is discovered and it falls to Campion to unravel the intricate web of motive, suspicion and deduction with all his imagination and skill.

Danger is hardly unknown in this idyllic Suffolk village, but it is a less romantic peril than on Mr Campion’s first visit, more than twenty years ago.

‘Margery Allingham has precious few peers and no superiors.’ - The Sunday Times

‘Allingham’s work is always of the first rank.’ – New York Times

‘Unforgettable.’ – A.S.…
Цикл: Альберт Кэмпион, книга №15

Форма: роман

Первая публикация: 1955

Язык: Английский

Жанры:  Языкознание


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