The Price of Butcher's Meat

Reginald Hill - The Price of Butcher's Meat

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"Some say that Andy Dalziel wasn't ready for God, others that God wasn't ready for Dalziel. Either way, despite his recent proximity to a terrorist blast, the Superintendent remains firmly of this world. And while Death may be the cure for all diseases, Dalziel is happy to settle for a few weeks' care under a tender nurse." "Convalescing in Sandytown, a quiet…
Цикл: Дэлзиел и Паско, книга №23

In UK was published as "A Cure for All Diseases"

Форма: роман

Первая публикация: November 4, 2008

Язык: Английский

Номинант: 2009 г.Премия "Тикстон Олд Пекьюлер" (Лучший детектив)
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