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"Some say that Andy Dalziel wasn't ready for God, others that God wasn't ready for Dalziel. Either way, despite his recent proximity to a terrorist blast, the Superintendent remains firmly of this world. And while Death may be the cure for all diseases, Dalziel is happy to settle for a few weeks' care under a tender nurse." "Convalescing in Sandytown, a quiet seaside resort devoted to healing, Dalziel befriends Charlotte Hey Wood, a fellow newcomer and psychologist, who is researching the benefits of alternative therapy. With much in common, the two soon find themselves in league when trouble comes to town." Sandytown's principal landowners…
Цикл: Дэлзиел и Паско, книга №23

In UK was published as "A Cure for All Diseases"

Форма: роман

Первая публикация: November 4, 2008

Язык: Английский

Номинант: 2009 г.Премия "Тикстон Олд Пекьюлер" (Лучший детектив)

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