Моя оценка

A brilliantly funny, gripping novel – andThe bestselling hardback children’s debut of 2014 – from a born storyteller, The Parent Agency is an epic wish-fulfilment adventure for every child – and for the child in everyone.Barry said, a third time, “I wish I had better parents!” And then suddenly the entire room started to shake…Barry Bennett hates being called Barry. In fact it’s number 2 on the list of things he blames his parents for, along with 1) ‘being boring’ and 3) ‘always being tired’.But there is a world, not far from this one, where parents don’t have children. That’s far too random for something so big and important. In this…

Жанры:  Детские книги


Лауреат: 2021 г.Премия Nielsen за бестселлер (Серебряный бестселлер)
2019 г.Премия Nielsen за бестселлер (Серебряный бестселлер)
2017 г.Бангкокская книжная премия (Книги для подростков)

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