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When the body of journalist Jerry Markham is found in a traditional Shetland boat, outside the house of the Fiscal, down at the Marina, young Detective Inspector Willow Reeves is drafted in to head up the investigation. Since the death of his fiancee, Inspector Jimmy Perez has been out of the loop, but his interest in this new case is stirred and he decides to help the inquiry. Markham -- originally a Shetlander but who had made a name for himself in London -- had left the islands years before. In his wake, he left a scandal involving a young girl, Evie Watt, who is now engaged to a seaman. He had few friends in Shetland, so why was he…
Цикл: Шетланд, книга №5

"Ann Cleeves expertly combines a traditional detective story and a novel about love and death...These books are very precisely set in their unusual geographical environment, and every character, encounter and conversation is carefully described as each harbour and hillock, Up to page 366 the reader is shown everything, so it comes as a shock reminder when the detective takes a call that sends him running off to the action and the reader is not told who or what he or she said that this enjoyable novel is actually a conventional whodunit." --Literary Review

"One of Ann Cleeves' strengths is her description of characters and her way of understanding exactly how people work. This continues in this book. Perez' depression and mourning is beautifully described, as is his slow emergence from the depression into which he has sunk."

"This is a gripping and atmospheric follow-up to Red Bones which has been adapted for television" --Candis

"This is a beautifully written and cleverly plotted thriller made all the more special by the setting."
--Sunday Mirror

"A great new find for crime fans" --Red

Шетланд (2013 – 2018) Одноимённые серии. За 4 сезона экранизировано 10 книг (по 2 серии на книгу).

Форма: роман

Оригинальное название: Dead Water

Дата написания: 2013

Первая публикация: 2013

Язык: Английский

Жанры:  Зарубежные детективы


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