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Lieutenant Eve Dallas puzzles over a bizarre suicide bombing in a Wall St. office building in the latest in the #1 New York Times bestselling series…

For the airline executives finalizing a merger that would make news in the business world, the nine a.m. meeting would be a major milestone. But after marketing VP Paul Rogan walked into the plush conference room, strapped with explosives, the headlines told of death and destruction instead. The NYPSD’s Eve Dallas confirms that Rogan was cruelly coerced by two masked men holding his family hostage. His motive was saving his wife and daughter―but what was the motive of the masked…
Цикл: Следствие ведет Ева Даллас, книга №47

Форма: роман

Оригинальное название: Leverage in Death

Дата написания: 2018

Первая публикация: 2018

Язык: Английский

Жанры:  Зарубежные детективы


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