Моя оценка

Kate, a Manchester-based private investigator, is definitely not amused when thieves steal a Monet painting from a stately home where she has arranged the security. The theft is clearly the work of professionals: they penetrate alarm systems, enter quickly, grab only what they have come for, and disappear into the night. Kate feels responsible. And, according to her contract, she owes Henry Naismith, owner of Birchfield Place, thirty hours of her time to try to find his Monet. The police will search, too, but Kate has sources that the authorities could never touch. And if finding a missing Monet isn't difficult enough, Kate must also…
Цикл: Кейт Брэнниган, книга №4

Форма: роман

Первая публикация: 1995

Язык: Английский

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