Моя оценка

December 1920.
Hours after his sister’s wedding, late at night, a restless Ian Rutledge drives down a country road somewhere en route to Ipswich. Haunted by the past, he narrowly misses a motorcar stopped in the middle of a desolate road. Standing beside the vehicle is a frightened young woman in party dress—and blood on her hands, a dead man at her feet.

She swears she didn’t kill Stephen Wentworth. A stranger was standing in the middle of the road, so they had to stop. Wentworth got out to ask if the stranger needed help, and without warning, he shot Wentworth straight through the heart, then vanished into the night. The shaken woman…
Цикл: Инспектор Иен Ратлидж, книга №20

Форма: роман

Первая публикация: 2018

Язык: Английский

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