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Darcy has a ten-thousand-year-old secret buried in her genetic code.

As a second year medical student, her life revolves around classes, studying, and her boyfriend Adam—until she treks through the desert, touches some mysterious stacked stones, and a network of glowing blue lines radiates under her skin.

Then she saw the spaceship. And it was coming for her.

She faces impossibly bad choices and a missing boyfriend.

Darcy struggles to accept her heritage and master her newfound powers as she navigates deception, betrayal, and danger in order to prevail in the galaxy’s most dangerous game—and survive to save Adam.
Цикл: Слияние, книга №3

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The Druid Gene планировался как самостоятельный роман из Вселенной Слияния.
После первого издания автор решила включить его в цикл Слияние под названием Inheritance так как сюжетная линия Дарси переплетается с Джейн.

Форма: роман

Оригинальное название: The Druid Gene

Первая публикация: 2016

Язык: Английский


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