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Michael Flynn opened his saga of near-future technology and space exploration with Firestar. In it, he introduced a multi-stranded plot and a set of characters - all in orbit around a powerful and determined woman, Mariesa Van Huyten, who is obsessed with the need to get humanity back into space and to save the Earth from disaster. Now, in "Rogue Star," Van Huyten's struggles continue. Three astronauts are headed out beyond Mars on the first human trip to the asteroid belt. In orbit around the Earth a construction crew is building the first permanent space station, owned by Van Huyten's consortium. And the president of the United States is…
Цикл: Firestar, книга №2

Форма: роман

Первая публикация: 1998

Язык: Английский

Номинант: 1999 г.Прометей (Роман)

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