The Crow Road

Iain Banks - The Crow Road

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This Bildungsroman is set in the fictional Argyll town of Gallanach (by its description, reminiscent of Oban but on the north east shore of Loch Crinan), the real village of Lochgair, and in Glasgow where the adult Prentice McHoan lives. Prentice's uncle Rory has disappeared eight years previously while writing a book called The Crow Road. Prentice becomes obsessed…

1996 - Воронья дорога/The Crow Road (реж. Гэвин Миллар; Великобритания)

Форма: роман

Оригинальное название: The Crow Road

Дата написания: 2023

Первая публикация: 1992

Язык: Английский

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