The Informer

Joseph Conrad - The Informer

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This is the story of an informer and his love. "Mister X turned up in due course. My treasures are disposed in three large rooms without carpets and curtains. There is no other furniture than the itaghres and the glass cases whose contents shall be worth a fortune to my heirs. I allow no fires to be lighted, for fear of accidents, and a fire-proof door separates…

The Informer was written before January 1906 and first published in December 1906, in Harper’s Magazine. It was later collected in A Set of Six, 1908 (UK), 1915 (US).

Форма: повесть

Оригинальное название: The Informer (An Ironic Tale)

Дата написания: 1906

Первая публикация: 1906

Язык: Английский

Жанры:  Зарубежная классика


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