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1 книга

  • Alec Л. А. Кейси
    ISBN: 978-1500681678
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский

    Keela Daley is the black sheep of her family. She has always come second to her younger cousin Micah. Even in the eyes of her mother, Micah shone bright, and Keela faded to black. Now, in adulthood, Micah is a bride-to-be and the spotlight is solely on her. Keela is a low priority...or so she thinks. Alec Slater is a bachelor, never one to bed the same woman, or man, twice. He is a free agent who does what he pleases and answers to no one; that is until a fiery Irish redhead with a temper to match her hair colour knocks him on his arse. Literally. She hates to admit it, but Keela needs a favour from the cocky Slater brother, a huge…


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