Теория власти

7 книг

  • Восстание масс Хосе Ортега-и-Гассет
    ISBN: 978-5-17-099395-6
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    «Восстание масс» – культовая книга Х. Ортега-и-Гассета, принесшая ему всемирную славу. В ней он впервые в западной философии изложил основные принципы устройства так называемого массового общества, где каждый отдельный человек – статист, предпочитающий «плыть по течению» и не несущий ни за что ответственности. А западное общество ХХ века, по мнению автора, разделено не на классы или социальные группы, а на определенные типы людей – представителей аристократии и «массы», которые постепенно захватывают власть. Этот феномен – захват массами власти – Ортега-и-Гассет называет «восстанием масс».

  • The Outsider Richard Wright
    Год издания: 1965
    Издательство: Perennial Library
    Язык: Английский
    The Outsider is a novel by American author Richard Wright, first published in 1953. The Outsider is Richard Wright's second installment in a story of epic proportions, a complex master narrative to show American racism in raw and ugly terms. The kind of racism that Wright knew and experienced, a racism from which most black people of his own time could not escape, remained the central element in his fiction. The Outsider appeared during the height of McCarthyism in the United States and the advent of the Cold War in Europe, two events which had a significant bearing on its initial reception.
  • Очерки истории Римской Империи Р. Ю. Виппер
    Год издания: 1928
    Издательство: Государственное издательство
    Язык: Русский

    Прижизненное издание. Берлин, 1928 год. Государственное издательство. Типографская обложка. Сохранность хорошая. Роберт Юрьевич Виппер (1859-1954) - русский, латвийский и советский историк, действительный член АН СССР с 27 сентября 1943 года по Отделению истории и философии (история). Предлагаемые "Очерки" возникли из курса лекций, несколько раз читавшегося Р. Ю. Виппером в Московском университете с 1899 г. Главной целью курса было объяснить социальные условия возникновения римской империи, описать общество, устремившееся в движение империализма, и затем показать, каким образом факт создания колониальной державы в свою очередь отразился на…

  • The Mask of Anarchy: The Destruction of Liberia and the Religious Dimension of an African Civil War Stephen Ellis
    ISBN: 978-0814722381
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: New York University Press

    Liberia has been one of Africa’s most violent trouble spots. In 1990, when thousands of teenage fighters, including young men wearing women’s clothing and bizarre objects of decoration, laid siege to the capital, the world took notice. Since then Liberia has been through devastating civil upheaval. What began as a civil conflict, has spread to other West African nations. Eschewing popular stereotypes and simple explanations, Stephen Ellis traces the history of the civil war that has blighted Liberia in recent years and looks at its political, ethnic and cultural roots. He focuses on the role religion and ritual have played in shaping and…

  • Polish Society Under German Occupation: The Generalgouvernement, 1939-1944 Jan Tomasz Gross
    ISBN: ‎978-0691093819
    Год издания: 1979
    Издательство: Princeton University Press

    By combining historical and political analysis with a sophisticated sociological approach, Jan Gross offers a new interpretation of the German occupation of Poland during World War II. Based on his hypothesis that a society cannot be destroyed by coercion short of the physical annihilation of its members, his work has a twofold aim: to examine the model of German occupation in theory and in practice, and to identify the patterns of collective behavior that emerged among the Polish people in response to the social control exercised over them. The author argues that when an occupier provides no institutions through which a local population…

  • Islamic Gunpowder Empires: Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals Douglas E. Streusand
    ISBN: 978-0-8133-1359-7
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Westview Press

    Islamic Gunpowder Empires provides readers with a history of Islamic civilization in the early modern world through a comparative examination of Islam's three greatest empires: the Ottomans (centered in what is now Turkey), the Safavids (in modern Iran), and the Mughals (ruling the Indian subcontinent). Author Douglas Streusand explains the origins of the three empires; compares the ideological, institutional, military, and economic contributors to their success; and analyzes the causes of their rise, expansion, and ultimate transformation and decline. Streusand depicts the three empires as a part of an integrated international system…

  • African Guerrillas Christopher Clapham
    ISBN: 978-0253212436
    Год издания: 1998
    Издательство: Indiana University Press

    "An excellent contriubtion to the comparative analysis . . . " ―Foreign Affairs "This work is an important study . . . The individual chapters are based on extensive reearch and field work, often in difficult and dangerous conditions. They provide facts and insights not to be found elsewhere, and the work will long remain an indispensable text." ―International Journal of African Historical Studies " . . . an outstanding study on the major insurgencies that have gripped the belt of Sub-Saharan Africa." ―Defense Affairs Insurgencies or guerrilla movements have come to occupy a prominent place in the politics of modern Africa. This…


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