Пробуждение африки

2 книги

  • Пшеничное зерно. Распятый дьявол (сборник) Нгуги Ва Тхионго
    ISBN: 5-280-00382-4
    Год издания: 1988
    Издательство: Художественная литература
    Язык: Русский

    В книгу включены два романа известного африканского прозаика Нгуги ва Тхионго - "Пшеничное зерно" и "Распятый дьявол", в которых автор рассказывает о борьбе кенийцев за независимость и о современной Кении, раздираемой антагонистическими классовыми противоречиями.

  • No longer at ease Chinua Achebe
    ISBN: 978-0141191553
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Penguin Classics
    Язык: Английский

    Obi Okonkwo is an idealistic young man who, thanks to the privileges of an education in Britain, has now returned to Nigeria for a job in the civil service. However in his new role he finds that the way of government seems to be backhanders and corruption. Obi manages to resist the bribes that are offered to him, but when he falls in love with an unsuitable girl - to the disapproval of his parents - he sinks further into emotional and financial turmoil. The lure of easy money becomes harder to refuse, and Obi becomes caught in a trap he cannot escape. Showing a man lost in cultural limbo, and a Nigeria entering a new age of…


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