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4 книги

  • Darkwalker E.L. Tettensor
    ISBN: 0451419987, 978-0451419989
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Roc
    Язык: Английский

    Once a legendary police inspector, Nicolas Lenoir is now a disillusioned and broken man who spends his days going through the motions and his evenings drinking away the nightmares of his past. Ten years ago, Lenoir barely escaped the grasp of the Darkwalker, a vengeful spirit who demands a terrible toll on those who have offended the dead. But the Darkwalker does not give up on his prey so easily, and Lenoir has always known his debt would come due one day. When Lenoir is assigned to a disturbing new case, he treats the job with his usual apathy—until his best informant, a street savvy orphan, is kidnapped. Desperate to find his young…

  • Песня кукушки Фрэнсис Хардинг
    ISBN: 978-5-00115-648-2
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Clever
    Язык: Русский

    Очнувшись после несчастного случая, Трисс понимает, что с ней что-то не так. Ее постоянно мучает голод, младшая сестра ее боится, а родители все время шепчутся за закрытыми дверями. К тому же Трисс почти ничего не помнит - ни о происшествии, ни о своем прошлом. Она хочет перечитать свой дневник, но кто-то вырвал из него страницы. Вскоре Трисс выясняет, что с ней происходит нечто куда более страшное, чем она могла представить, и что она в буквальном смысле слова сама не своя. В поисках ответов ей предстоит совершить опасное путешествие и столкнуться с Архитектором, который стремится погубить всю ее семью. Но успеет ли она? Время Трисс…

  • The Brides of Rollrock Island Margo Lanagan
    ISBN: 0375869190
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Knopf Books for Young Readers
    Язык: Английский

    On remote Rollrock Island, men make their living--and fetch their wives--from the sea. The Witch Misskaella knows how to find the girl at the heart of a seal. She'll coax a beauty from the beast for any man, for a price. And what man wouldn't want a sea-wife, to and to hold, and to keep by his side forever? But though he may tell himself that he is the master, one look in his new bride's eyes will transform him just as much as it changes her. Both will be ensnared--and the witch will look on, laughing. In this magical, seaswept novel, Margo Lanagan tells an extraordinary tale of desire, despair, and transformation. With devastatingly…

  • Hold the Dark Frank Tuttle
    ISBN: 1605044946
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Samhain Publishing
    Язык: Английский

    Markhat #3 Quiet, hard-working seamstresses aren’t the kind that normally go missing, even in a tough town like Rannit. Martha Hoobin’s disappearance, though, quickly draws Markhat into a deadly struggle between a halfdead blood cult and the infamous sorcerer known only as the Corpsemaster. A powerful magical artifact may be both his only hope of survival—and the source of his own inescapable damnation. Markat’s search leads him to the one thing that’s been missing in his life. But even love’s awesome power may not save him from the darkness that’s been unleashed inside his own soul. Warning: This gritty, hard-boiled fantasy…


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