Багамские острова

4 книги

  • Остров в океане Джилберт Клинджел
    ISBN: 5-309-00360-6
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Армада-пресс
    Язык: Русский

    Джилберт Клинджел - не профессиональный зоолог, а так сказать, любитель. В будни Клинджел был одним из многих тысяч служащих Балтимора, а во время отпусков - участником Научных экспедиций. `Остров в океане` - одна из тех книг, которые воспитывают хорошие чувства к природе. Правда, иногда и в ней льется кровь животных, но во имя целей более высоких, чем охотничья страсть, - во имя науки. А ради этого люди часто и себя приносят в жертву.

  • Gloria's Inn Robin Alexander
    ISBN: 1933113014, 9781933113012
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Intaglio Publications
    Язык: Английский

    Hayden Tate suddenly found herself in a world unlike any other, when she inherited half of an inn nestled away on Cat Island in the Bahamas. Expecting something like the resorts found in Nassau, Hayden was shocked and a little disappointed to find herself on a beautiful tropical island undiscovered by tourism. Hayden reluctantly begins to adapt to a simpler way of life found on the island, and her conversion is often comical. Not only did Hayden's aunt leave her an inn, but the company of her former business partner as well. Strange as she is beautiful, Adrienne turns Hayden's world upside down in many ways. Hayden quickly learns that…

  • Gloria's Secret Robin Alexander
    ISBN: 1933113936, 9781933113937
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Intaglio Publications
    Язык: Английский

    Hayden Tate had hoped that life on Cat Island would be peaceful with her former trouble causing handyman Hank out of the picture. But when strange occurrences and noises begin to happen around the inn she operates with her partner, Adrienne, once again the top suspect is Hank the only problem is - Hank is dead. In this long awaited sequel to Gloria's Inn, Hayden and Adrienne join their zany guests for another madcap adventure.

  • Gloria's Legacy Robin Alexander
    ISBN: 1935216309, 9781935216308
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Intaglio Publications
    Язык: Английский

    In the third installment of the series, Hayden and Adrienne have decided to take the next step in their relationship—motherhood. Adrienne embraces the challenges that pregnancy presents, Hayden…not so much. To convolute matters, a strange guest has arrived at the inn alone. Along with her baggage, she carries two secrets that bring disruption and danger to the island paradise.

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