
30 книг

  • Fables: 1001 Nights of Snowfall Билл Уиллингхэм
    ISBN: 9781401203672
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Английский

    Don't miss a new softcover edition of the acclaimed hardcover graphic novel from FABLES creator Bill Willingham and a star-studded array of artists! This volume, set in the early days of Fabletown, long before the FABLES series began, featuring sequences illustrated by Charles Vess, Brian Bolland, John Bolton, Michael Wm. Kaluta, James Jean, Mark Buckingham, Jill Thompson and more, 1,001 NIGHTS OF SNOWFALL is both an entry point to the critically acclaimed series and an essential part of Willingham's enchanting and imaginative FABLES mythos. Traveling in Arabia as an Ambassador from the exiled FABLES community, Snow White is captured by…

  • Казки. Хутір Тварин. Книга 2 Билл Уиллингем
    ISBN: 978-966-917-378-2
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Рідна мова
    Язык: Украинский

    Казки всіх країн, єднайтеся! Відколи Ворог вигнав казкових персонажів із рідних домівок, нелюдиноподібні казки живуть на Хуторі — величезному маєтку на півночі штату Нью-Йорк, вдалині від допитливців із прозаїчного світу. Але після кількасот років ізоляції на Хуторі закипає революція, підживлювана підривними гаслами Золотоволоски і трьох поросят. Коли Сніжка й Рожинка викривають їхній план звільнити рідні землі, комісари з Хутора вирішують змусити їх мовчати — будь-якою ціною!

  • Казки. Книга 4. Марш дерев’яних солдатиків Билл Уиллингем
    ISBN: 978-966-917-506-9
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Рідна мова
    Язык: Украинский

    Казки століттями пильнували брами між нашим прозаїчним світом і своєю втраченою чарівною батьківщиною, виглядаючи вторгнення. Аж раптом після десятиліть затишшя ще одній казці нарешті вдалося вирватися з-під ярма Ворога й дістатися безпеки. Однак зовнішність оманлива, і багатьом правильним людям здається, що якась ця втікачка неправильна. Насправді ж усе ще страшніше: плани зі знищення Казкополя уже запущено в дію, і його мешканцям знову доведеться повторити жорстокі уроки війни.

  • Казки. Книга 6. Батьківщина Билл Уиллингем
    ISBN: 978-966-917-668-4
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Рідна мова
    Язык: Украинский

    Мешканці Казкополя відбили перший наступ Ворога на свій світ, але тепер мусять готуватися до неминучої повномасштабної війни. Один казковий герой полишає місто й починає кар’єру голлівудського продюсера в надії, що його шлях до безсмертної слави буде встелено золотом. А на іншого героя чекає значно небезпечніша дорога на давню Батьківщину казок, у саме серце ворожої території, де нарешті розкриється загадка, хто такий Ворог!

  • Мышиная Гвардия. Осень 1152 Дэвид Питерсен
    ISBN: 978-5-9909878-9-0
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Jellyfish Jam
    Язык: Русский

    Пусть города, деревни и замки мышей хорошо укрыты в траве и старых пнях, они все равно нуждаются в защите от хищников и других угроз. Для этого и была создана Мышиная Гвардия. Они - достойнейшие из достойных, стражи, следопыты и воины, последний рубеж обороны Мышиных Территорий. Трое гвардейцев - Лиам, Саксон и Кензи - отправляются на рядовое задание: поиски пропавшего торговца зерном. Но в итоге оказываются лицом к лицу с заговором, который грозит погубить Гвардию, и легендой о могучей Черной Секире. "Осень 1152" - первая книга цикла Дэвида Питерсена о Мышиной Гвардии. Это невероятной красоты средневековое фэнтези, неожиданно жесткое и…

  • Fables, Vol. 14: Witches Bill Willingham
    ISBN: 1401228801, 978-1401228804
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Английский

    Toil and Trouble In the wreckage that was once Fabletown, the sinister Mister Dark is building a web of fear and anger that threatens to ensnare any Fable that strays too close. Cut off from the Woodland building's business office and its trove of magical weapons, the exiled free Fables now must turn to their oldest and most powerful members - the witches and warlocks who once occupied the Woodland's 13th floor - to defeat this latest adversary. But even as those still trapped within the business office struggle against a legion of uncaged foes, rivalries within the Fables' sorcerous community threaten to fracture their united front - and…

  • Fables Vol. 15: Rose Red Bill Willingham
    ISBN: 1401230008, 978-1401230005
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Английский

    Every Rose has its thorn. As the Fables of the mundane world try desperately to shield themselves from the withering power of Mister Dark, Rose Red - the Farm's ostensible leader - is finally jolted out of her crippling depression and into action by a timely revelation from her storybook past. Her epiphany comes not a moment too soon - as more and more of New York City falls under Mister Dark's malign power, the chances of striking a decisive blow against him are getting smaller by the hour. Luckily, the survivors of Fabletown have the world's most powerful witch on their side - and she well may be the only entity more ruthless than the…

  • Fables Vol. 16: Super Team Bill Willingham
    ISBN: 1401233066, 978-1401233068
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Английский

    Now why, oh why, in this mixed-up world would we saddle an important series that has never had anything to do with Super Heroes with a title like "Super Team"? And why has that snotty little Pinocchio suddenly got it into his head that he needs to design tight-fitting costumes for a carefully selected team of Fables? In fact, why was the little brat caught looking over his own comic-book collection, mumbling things like, "We can call him Werewolf Man, and he can be The Golden Knight, and she can be called The Green Witch?" This volume also includes a special story illustrated by Terry Moore (Echo, Strangers in Paradise)! Collecting:…

  • Fables, Vol. 17: Inherit the Wind Bill Willingham
    ISBN: 1401235166, 978-1401235161
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Английский

    The tights and capes have been stored away forever, but it remains to be seen if Haven and its refugee inhabitants have survived the onslaught of. Where do the Fables go from here? Bigby and Snow White's cubs try to move forward after learning a hard lesson about life and death. And the loveable, fan-favorite hero Bufkin the Flying Monkey gets into more trouble when he finally reaches his homeland of Oz. Collecting: Fables 108-113

  • Fables, Vol. 18: Cubs in Toyland Bill Willingham
    ISBN: 140123769X, 978-1401237691
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Английский

    The most harrowing epic since the inception of the series starts when Snow and Bigby's cub Therese receives a Christmas gift from an unknown admirer. This red plastic boat may hold the key to a deep, disturbing secret that will incite a series of soul-crushing events for the denizens of Fabletown. Plus, a backup feature that shows how Bigby received his fate, drawn by artist Gene Ha. Collecting: Fables 114-123

  • Fables Vol. 19: Snow White Bill Willingham
    ISBN: 1401242480, 978-1401242480
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Английский

    With Castle Dark now back in the hands of the Fables, mysteries both young and old begin to challenge the residents of Fabletown. Bigby and Stinky set off from Fabletown in Rose Red's blood-fueled sports car to track down the two abducted cubs. Unfortunately for Snow White, besides suffering the trauma of having two of her cubs go missing, a long forgotten secret uncovered in Castle Dark threatens to sabotage her and Bigby's marriage. This volume also collects the backup adventures of Bufkin and Lily from issues 114-121, as well as their full length adventures found in issue 124. Collecting: Fables 124-129 & material 114-123

  • Fables Vol. 20: Camelot Bill Willingham
    ISBN: 978-1401245160
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Английский

    Rose Red takes the mantle of Paladin of Hope to rally the Fables in the tragic aftermath of “Snow White.” A new dark age calls for a new Round Table, with modern knights willing to take on a sacred quest to reassemble the shattered pieces of Fabletown. Collecting: Fables 130-140

  • Fables Vol. 21: Happily Ever After Bill Willingham
    ISBN: 978-1401251321
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Английский

    In this penultimate volume of Bill Willingham’s Fables, the residents of Fabletown look to live “happily ever after,” but there is a steep price to pay for happiness as Rose Red clashes with Snow White! Collecting: Fables 141-149

  • Казки. Книга 3. Кохання як у казці Билл Уиллингем
    ISBN: 978-966-917-495-6
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Рідна мова
    Язык: Украинский

    І житимуть довго і щасливо? Це навряд чи. Світ «Казок» не надто щедрий на казкові фінали. Персонажі казок — вигнанці з вигаданих земель, втікачі зі світів байок — змушені влитися в нашу непросту прозаїчну реальність. Але це не значить, що в їхньому світі не знайдеться місця для кохання — а також незмінних супутників романтичних історій: болю, зрад і запеклих ревнощів. Скидається на те, що між двома найпрагматичнішими і найтверезішими казками розквітло кохання. Тільки що їм судилося: щастя чи швидка й передчасна смерть?

  • Казки. Книга 5. Жорстокі пори року Билл Уиллингем
    ISBN: 978-966-917-511-3
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Рідна мова
    Язык: Украинский

    НАПИСАНО ПО ВІТРУ Наші герої здобули перемогу в Битві за Казкополь, а прозаїчний Нью-Йорк нічого навіть не помітив. І доки казки виграли трохи часу на відбудову й роздуми, допити шпигунки Ворога тривають, а Білосніжка готується стати матір’ю. Значить, Сіркові, майбутньому батьку Сніжчиних малят, час навідати старого друга і згадати іншу, ще смертоноснішу війну. Мерові Казкополя час нарешті зірвати пелену з очей і визнати, яка то непроста робота — керувати громадою із суперечливими потребами. А самій Сніжці час готуватися до довгих і важких пологів — і до відкриттів, радісних і не дуже.

  • Fables, Vol. 7: Arabian Nights (and Days) Билл Уиллингхэм
    ISBN: 9781401210007
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Английский

    Culture Clash With the identity of the Adversary finally revealed to the citizens of Fabletown, it's time to begin making preparations in earnest for the defense of their stronghold in the mundane world - and that means forging new alliances with whoever remains unconquered by the Adversary's legions. But the arrival in Fabletown of a delegation from the Arabian Homelands shows just how tricky this kind of coalition-building can be - especially when one side is concealing Weapons of Magical Destruction! Collecting: Fables 42-47

  • Fables, Vol. 8: Wolves Билл Уиллингхэм
    ISBN: 9781401210014
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Английский

    Into the woods. The community of Fables living undercover in our midst has endured plenty of suffering at the hands of their longtime antagonist, the Adversary. Now it's time to return the favor and put the would-be conqueror on notice that the cost of subjugating this last stronghold of magic will be higher than he can bear. The one Fable who can accomplish this mission, however, has hidden himself away in the wild and will take some convincing if he can even be found. Luckily for Fabletown, there's something more than a trip behind enemy lines awaiting Bigby Wolf's return... Collecting: Fables 48-51

  • Fables, Vol. 9: Sons of Empire Билл Уиллингхэм
    ISBN: 9781401213169
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Английский

    The best-laid plans. The free Fables living in the mundane world have struck a decisive blow against the Adversary, destroying one of his most valuable assets at the very heart of his empire - and setting the stage for an all-out war between the worlds in the process. Now, while the ruler of the Homelands licks his wounds and gathers his forces, the denizens of Fabletown have a rare chance to savor the brief peace their victory has brought them. Everyone, however, knows that this is just the calm before the storm - and that even the winds themselves will have to choose sides before it's over. Collecting: Fables 52-59

  • Fables, Vol. 10: The Good Prince Билл Уиллингхэм
    ISBN: 9781401216863
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Английский

    The return of the King. Will all-out war looming between the forces of the Adversary and the free Fables living in the mundane world, everything now depends on a humble janitor known as Flycatcher. Released from centuries of trauma-induced amnesia, Prince Ambrose (as he was known in happier times) faces a long and difficult road - one that will take him through the lands of the dead and into the heart of the enemy's realm. Once there, this unassuming and unlikely hero will face his greatest and most arduous test - and the future of both Fabletown and the Homelands will turn on the outcome. Featuring art by Mark Buckingham, Steve Leialoha,…

  • Fables, Vol. 11: War and Pieces Билл Уиллингхэм
    ISBN: 9781401219130
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Английский

    The final battle between the free Fables of the mundane world and the Empire occupying their former Homelands is about to begin, and the scrappy storybook heroes have already managed to even the odds considerably. With his previously unstoppable wooden soldiers neutralized, the Adversary is about to get his first taste of high technology in the form of steel-jacketed bullets and laser-guided bombs. But the ruler who conquered a hundred different worlds didn’t do it by fighting clean—and he’s still got a surprise or two left to spring on the residents of Fabletown. Collecting: Fables 70-75

  • Fables, Vol. 12: The Dark Ages Билл Уиллингхэм
    ISBN: 9781401223168
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Английский

    Collateral Damage The great war between Fabletown and the mighty empire of the Adversary is over, and the victorious free Fables have brought their defeated enemy back from the Homelands to join them in exile. Their celebrations, however, are destined to be short-lived. As it turns out, not even beloved storybook heroes can escape the law of unintended consequences. In the post-war chaos of the Adversary's former realm, a terrible force is about to be unleased - an evil that threatens not just Fabletown but the entire mundane world. Collecting: Fables 76-82

  • Fables, Vol. 13: The Great Fables Crossover (сборник) Билл Уиллингем
    ISBN: 9781401225728
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Английский

    When Fables Collide! This is it - a story so grand, so epic in scale that no single series could contain it! As the free Fables struggle to regroup following the destruction of their New York City stronghold, they are suddenly faced with a wholly new menace - one that threatens not only their adopted planet, but all of reality itself! Against such a terrible power, can even the combined abilities of these legendary storybook heroes prevail? Only one thing is certain: once the battle is joined, the world of Fables will never be the same! Deftly crafted by writers Bill Willingham and Matthew Sturges and artists Mark Buckingham, Russ…

  • Mouse Guard: Winter 1152 David Petersen
    ISBN: 1932386742, 978-1932386745
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Archaia Studios Press
    Язык: Английский

    In the Winter of 1152, the Mouse Guard face a food and supply shortage threatening the lives of many mouse through a cold and icy season. Some of the Guard's finest - Saxon, Kenzie, Lieam, and Sadie, led by Celanawe, the legendary Black Axe - traverse the snow-blanketed territories acting as diplomats to improve relations between the mouse cities and the Guard, and find themselves on a race against time to deliver crucial medicines. This is a winter not every Guard may survive... Collects the second Mouse Guard series by Russ Manning Award-winner David Petersen, with an epilogue and bonus content.

  • Mouse Guard: Spring 1153 David Petersen
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Archaia

    In the spring of 1153 the Mouse Guard deal with the onset of the spring thaw and the havoc it wreaks on their Territories. Meanwhile, it’s time to dance your cares away as Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober and Red return for a brand-new series of hilarious and heartfelt Fraggle Rock adventures written and drawn by some of the most imaginative creators in comics!

  • Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard Volume 1 David Petersen
    ISBN: 978-1932386943
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Archaia

    Inside the June Alley Inn, located in the western mouse city of Barkstone, mice gather to tell tales, each trying to outdo the other. A competition, of sorts, begins. The rules: Every story must contain one truth, one lie and have never been told in that tavern before. With the winner getting his bar tab cleared, fantastic stories are spun throughout the evening. Legends of the Guard is a new Mouse Guard anthology series featuring the work of artists and storytellers handpicked by series creator David Petersen, including Jeremy Bastian (Cursed Pirate Girl), Alex Sheikman (Robotika), Ted Naifeh (Courtney Crumrin and the Night Things), Gene…


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