Art history

15 книг

  • Goya Robert Hughes
    ISBN: 0375711287
    Год издания: 2006
    Язык: Русский

    Robert Hughes, who has stunned us with comprehensive works on subjects as sweeping and complex as the history of Australia ( The Fatal Shore ), the modern art movement ( The Shock of the New ), the nature of American art ( American

  • Cezanne Hajo Duchting
    ISBN: 978-1-84484-933-8
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Parkstone Press
    Язык: Русский

    At the turn of the century, Cezanne began to be taken more and more seriously by the avant-garde: Matisse, Picasso, Braque, Vlaminck, Derain, and others, among them young Russian painters whose new art owed much to the master from Provence. However, many of Cezanne's contemporaries did not realize his true greatness.

  • What Great Paintings Say: Old Masters in Detail: v. 1 Rainer Hagen
    ISBN: 382289057X, 9783822890578
    Год издания: 1995
    Издательство: Taschen
    Язык: Английский

    In this volume, the authors explore 27 famous paintings.

  • На пике века. Исповедь одержимой искусством Пегги Гуггенхайм
    ISBN: 978-5-91103-461-0
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Garage
    Язык: Русский

    Пегги Гуггенхайм (1898–1979) - главная покровительница художников ХХ века и страстный коллекционер — собрала лучшую коллекцию искусства первой половины прошлого столетия, в которую вошли произведения Пабло Пикассо, Джексона Поллока, Константина Бранкузи, Жоана Миро, Александра Кольдера, Виллема де Кунинга, Марка Ротко, Альберто Джакометти и Марселя Дюшана. В 1938 году она открыла свою первую галерею современного искусства в Лондоне, а впоследствии — культовую галерею Искусство этого века в Нью-Йорке. После короткого брака со своим третьим мужем, художником Максом Эрнстом, Гуггенхайм вернулась в Европу, обосновавшись в Венеции, где прожила…

  • Leonardo da Vinci: Artista e scienziato Frank Zoellner
    ISBN: 978-3836513562
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Taschen
  • Bosch Walter Bosing
    ISBN: 978-3-8365-5986-7
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Taschen
    Язык: Русский

    As cryptic as they are compelling, the masterpieces of Hieronymus Bosch remain some of the most enduring enigmas of the art world. Their intricate, allegorical, and often startling content has captivated not only art historians, but also fashion designers, rock stars, writers, and punk rockers, as well as countless modern and contemporary artist successors. Although rooted in the Old Netherlandish tradition, Bosch developed a highly subjective, richly suggestive style to render both the celestial bliss of heaven and the grotesque tortures of hell, most famously and meticulously excecuted in "The Garden of Earthly Delights". Here, as in…

  • Van Gogh: The Complete Paintings Инго Ф. Вальтер
    ISBN: 978-3836522991
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Taschen
  • Art Lover: A Biography of Peggy Guggenheim Anton Gill
    ISBN: 978-0060956813
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: Harper Perennial
    Язык: Английский

    Peggy Guggenheim -- millionairess, legendary lover, sadomasochist, appalling parent, selective miser -- was one of the greatest and most notorious art patrons of the twentieth century. After her father, Benjamin Guggenheim, went down with the Titanic, the young heiress came into a small fortune and left for Europe. She married the writer Laurence Vail and joined the American expatriate bohemian set. Though her many lovers included such lions of art and literature as Samuel Beckett, Max Ernst (whom she later married), Yves Tanguy, and Roland Penrose, real love always seemed to elude her. In the late 1930s, Peggy set up one of the first…

  • Scandals, Vandals, and Da Vincis: a gallery of remarkable art tales Harvey Rachlin
    ISBN: 978-0143038351
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Penguin Books

    The secret histories of the world’s most famous masterpieces Caravaggios, Rembrandts, Monets—the works of immortal artists such as these are indelibly imprinted in the public mind; they are priceless masterpieces whose beauty, artistry, and emotional impact have inspired admiration, awe, and envy through the centuries. Yet behind many of these brilliant paintings and sculptures are fascinating, unique histories. In Scandals, Vandals, and da Vincis, award-winning writer Harvey Rachlin relates in exciting detail how nearly thirty of these works came to be created and how they survived burglary, forgery, revolutions, ransoms, vandals,…

  • Velázquez: Painter and Courtier Джонатан Браун
    ISBN: 0300038941
    Год издания: 1988
    Язык: Английский

    Offers a detailed biography of the seventeenth century Spanish painter, looks at all of his paintings, and discusses the original technique Velazquez developed for his art.

  • Bruegel: The Complete Paintings Rainer Hagen
    ISBN: 978-3822859919
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Taschen

    At a time when artists were still primarily occupied with religious or mythological subject matter, the great Flemish painter Pieter Bruegel (c. 1525-1569) turned his eye on the everyday. Most of Bruegel's 45 surviving works, which are all reproduced in this book, record the facts of 16th century life in rural or small town communities. In this title in the Basic Art Series, Rose-Marie and Rainer Hagen outline the artist's account of his society and times, and the relevance that account has for us today.

  • CARAVAGGIO L’opera pittorica completa Alessandro Guasti
    ISBN: 978-8870829181
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Idea Libri

    Nel 1570 nasce Michelangelo Merisi, l'artista che passerà alla storia col nome di Caravaggio. Il suo talento e la sua genialità si mescolarono alla sua personalità fino a forgiarne epiteti quali "artista maledetto". Certamente la sua condotta di vita non fu delle più limpide, tra risse furibonde, processi e condanne culminate in un'accusa di omicidio a seguito di una furibonda lite. Ma tanto la sua morale puntava al basso quanto la sua arte raggiungeva livelli sublimi, il realismo delle sue opere, in totale rottura con le convenzioni del suo tempo, il gioco costante di rimandi tra luci ed ombre e di contrasti ne fecero una delle personalità…

  • Hiroshige: One Hundred Famous Views of Edo Melanie Trede
    ISBN: 978-3-8365-5659-0
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Taschen
    Язык: Английский

    Utagawa Hiroshige was one of the last great artists in the ukiyo-e tradition. Literally meaning “pictures of the floating world,” ukiyo-e was a particular genre of art that flourished between the 17th and 19th centuries and came to characterize the Western world's visual idea of Japan. In many ways images of hedonism, ukiyo-e scenes often represented the bright lights and attractions of Edo (modern-day Tokyo): beautiful women, actors and wrestlers, city life, and spectacular landscapes. Though he captured a variety of subjects, Hiroshige was most famous for landscapes, with a final masterpiece series known as “One Hundred Famous Views of…

  • Renoir, My Father Jean Renoir
    ISBN: 978-0940322776
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: New York Review of Books
    Язык: Английский

    In this delightful memoir, Jean Renoir, the director of such masterpieces of the cinema as Grand Illusion and The Rules of the Game, tells the life story of his father, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, the great Impressionist painter. Recounting Pierre-Auguste's extraordinary career, beginning as a painter of fans and porcelain, recording the rules of thumb by which he worked, and capturing his unpretentious and wonderfully engaging talk and personality, Jean Renoir's book is both a wonderful double portrait of father and son and, in the words of the distinguished art historian John Golding, it "remains the best account of Renoir, and, furthermore,…

  • Secret Knowledge Дэвид Хокни
    ISBN: 9780500286388
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Thames & Hudson Ltd
    Язык: Английский

    The book that turned the art world on its head, now with new and exciting discoveries. Hockney takes his thesis further, demonstrating how Renaissance artists used mirrors and lenses to develop perspective and chiaroscuro radically challenging our view of how these two foundations of Western art were established.

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