Цикл книг «Цикл романов о Чарли Гуде» — 6 книг

L.A. Outlaws
Т. Джефферсон Паркер

Los Angeles is gripped by the exploding celebrity of Allison Murietta, her real identity unknown, a modern-day Jesse James with the compulsion to steal beautiful things, the…

The Renegades
T. Jefferson Parker
Год издания:2009
Серия:Charlie Hood #2

Some say that outlaws no longer exist, that the true spirit of the American West died with the legendary bandits of pulp novels and bedtime stories. Charlie Hood knows that…

Iron River
T. Jefferson Parker
Год издания:2010
Серия:Charlie Hood #3

On a dusty highway just north of the United States and Mexico border, a man named Mike Finnegan is struck by a fast moving vehicle and flung into the desert. Miraculously, he…

The Border Lords
Т. Джефферсон Паркер
ISBN:0525952004, 978-0525952008
Год издания:2011

ATF agent Sean Ozburn is deep undercover, supporting the sicarios of the North Baja Cartel, when he suddenly goes completely dark, leaving Charlie Hood and the support team from…

The Jaguar
Т. Джефферсон Паркер
ISBN:9780525952572, 978-0525952572
Год издания:2012

Erin McKenna, a beautiful songwriter married to a crooked Los Angeles County sheriff 's deputy, is kidnapped by Benjamin Armenta, the ruthless leader of the powerful Gulf Cartel.…

The Famous and the Dead
Т. Джефферсон Паркер
ISBN:0525953175, 978-0525953173
Год издания:2013

Los Angeles County sheriff ’s deputy Charlie Hood is attached to the ATF, working undercover on the illegal arms trade that flows across the U.S.-Mexican border. The sparkle of…