One Piece — 94 книги — стр. 4

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One Piece

Ван Пис — величайшее сокровище в мире, собранное Королём Пиратов Гол Д. Роджером. Считается, что тот, кто сможет завладеть им, станет Королем Пиратов, так как предположительно Ван Пис находится на острове Рафтель — последнем острове Гранд Лайн, до которого добрался лишь Гол Д. Роджер со своей командой.

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As a child, Monkey D. Luffy dreamed of becoming the King of the Pirates. But his life changed when he accidentally gained the power to stretch like rubber…at the cost of never… Развернуть 


Год издания: 2010

Серия: One Piece Book Series

The Straw Hats have made it to the ocean in the sky, but not everything is as angelic as they had imagined. Charged with illegal entry, they are being pursued by not only the… Развернуть 


Год издания: 2010

Серия: One Piece Book Series

The Straw Hats have been branded criminals for entering Skypiea without paying the toll! Their only chance for a way out is a series of challenges given to them by Kami's vassals.… Развернуть 


Год издания: 2010

Серия: One Piece Book Series

Luffy and the crew are on the move to find the hidden gold in Upper Yard but end up getting caught in the middle of a war between Eneru, who controls Upper Yard, and the Shandia,… Развернуть 


Год издания: 2010

Серия: One Piece Book Series

The Straw Hats have been stuck in a struggle for survival ever since Eneru made the ominous prediction that "in three hours, only five humans will be left standing on the island."… Развернуть 


Год издания: 2010

Серия: One Piece Book Series

With Eneru's plan to obliterate Sky Island with all his unsuspecting followers on it, Nami can only stand by as he wipes out the Straw Hats. Switching allegiances in order to… Развернуть 


Год издания: 2010

Серия: One Piece Book Series

When Montblanc Norland reached the shores of ancient Jaya, his teachings of modern science only fueled the distrust the Shandians had toward outsiders. But if they follow his… Развернуть 


As the epic battle between the Straw Hats and Eneru moves toward a dramatic finish, the crew must work together if they can ever hope to defeat this powerful enemy. Will they be… Развернуть 


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