Ресерч: историческое, морское, эпидемическое и другое интересное — 9 книг

Подборка книг, нужных для ворлд-билдинга: конец 19 - начало 20 века, первая мировая и последствия, морское сообщение и паровые машины, городские паразиты и заразное, костюмы и эстетика, культура и наука.

Первая мировая война
Мартин Гилберт
Год издания:2015
Серия:История военного искусства

Никто не хотел, чтобы эта война началась, но в результате сплетения обстоятельств, которые могут показаться случайными, она оказалась неотвратимой. Участники разгоравшегося…

Full Revelations of a Professional Rat-catcher After 25 Years' Experience
Ike Matthews
Год издания:2005
Издательство:Read Country Books

FULL REVELATIONS OF A PROFESSIONAL RAT-CATCHER AFTER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE. By Ike Matthews Originally published in Manchester 1898, this rare early work on rat catching and control…

World War I Gas Warfare Tactics and Equipment
Simon Jones
Год издания:2007
Издательство:Osprey Publishing

Battlefield Gas was first employed in April 1915 at the village of Langemarck near Ypres. At 1700 hours the Germans released a five mile-wide cloud of 168 tons of chlorine gas…

Rats, Lice, and History
Hans Zinsser
Год издания:1996
Издательство:Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers

The classic chronicle of the impact disease and plagues have had on history and society over the past half-millennium. Intriguingly fascinating and entertaining reading for anyone…

The Chemists' War: 1914-1918
Michael Freemantle
Год издания:2014
Издательство:Royal Society of Chemistry

Within months of the start of the First World War, Germany began to run out of the raw materials it needed to make explosives. As Germany faced imminent defeat, chemists such as…

Gas! Gas! Quick, Boys!: How Chemistry Changed the First World War
Michael Freemantle
Год издания:2014
Издательство:The History Press

Chemistry was not only a destructive instrument of World War I, but also protected troops and healed the sick and wounded. From bombs to bullets, gas to anesthetic, khaki to…

More Cunning Than Man: A Social History of Rats and Men
Robert Hendrickson
Год издания:1999
Издательство:Kensington Publishing Corp.
Rats: Observations on the History & Habitat of the City's Most Unwanted Inhabitants
Robert Sullivan
Год издания:2005
Издательство:Bloomsbury USA

Love them or loathe them, rats are here to stay-they are city dwellers as much as (or more than) we are, surviving on the effluvia of our society. In "Rats," the critically…

Chemical Soldiers
Donald Richter
Год издания:2014
Издательство:Pen & Sword Military

They were sometimes the butt of jokes, the 'comical chemical corporals.' Officially they were the British Special Brigade, sent to retaliate against German chemical warfare,…