Лучшие книги 2014 года по версии Publishers Weekly — 86 книг — стр. 2

Подборка книг
Лучшие книги 2014 года по версии Publishers Weekly

Лучшие книги 2014 года по версии американского журнала Publishers Weekly.
В подборке собраны книги в следующих категориях:

Top 10 (10 книг)
Fiction (20 книг)
Non-fiction (25 книг)
Mystery/Thriller (12 книг)
Young-adult (19 книг)
Romance (6 книг)
SF/Fantasy/Horror (7 книг)

Категории Poetry, Comics, Picture Books, Middle Grade, Religion и Lifestyle я проигнорировала. Полный список можно посмотреть по ссылке ниже.
Подборка в процессе наполнения

46 2 комментария 24удалить из избранного

Top 10

The unnamed narrator of O’Neill’s novel is an American adrift in Dubai, where he works as an “officer” for a wealthy Lebanese family, turning a blind eye to ethically questionable activity and knowingly pursuing his own dead end. It’s a devastating story of a man circling the drain, lost in the last society that will have him.

Seterwind 6 декабря 2014 г., 06:16


Год издания: 2014

Top 10

Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Tobar movingly revisits the story of the 33 miners who spent 69 days in 2010 trapped in Chile’s San José Mine. He captures, with compassion and without sensationalism, the experience of surviving more than 2,000 feet underground, and of emerging above ground into a media frenzy.

Seterwind 6 декабря 2014 г., 06:16


Год издания: 2015


The third and final book in his Shoah trilogy, The Wall, a towering meditation on the self and spirit, follows a survivor of the Holocaust living in London, where he has “ceased to exist, called it quits.”

Seterwind 6 декабря 2014 г., 06:24



A keen ear and eye have set Atwood apart for all of her illustrious career, and she shines again in this collection, which begins with a woman conversing with her dead husband. His presence in their house sets her to remembering her youthful, often subservient relationships with men and how, ultimately, she’s triumphed.

Seterwind 6 декабря 2014 г., 06:24


Год издания: 2014


In just over 100 pages, Bolaño stuffs trademark dread and mystery into the story of Bianca, an aimless young woman who befriends an old, blind movie actor in order to rob him.

Seterwind 6 декабря 2014 г., 06:27


(В английском переводе - Pushkin Hills)

Broke and divorced, Boris has taken a job as a tour-guide at the Pushkin Hills Preserve, where he immediately goes about hilariously ridiculing the visitors and staff who so revere Pushkin. Dovlatov’s short novel begins as a comedy but, rife with pathos, progresses toward a moving final act.

Seterwind 6 декабря 2014 г., 06:29



Newly widowed Harriet “Harry” Burden pulls a fast one on the New York art scene by creating three art installations and presenting them as the works of three different men. Hustvedt’s writing is always sharp, but never before has it felt so alive.

Seterwind 6 декабря 2014 г., 06:29



Bringing to mind Margaret Mead and her reputation-making South Seas sojourn, King’s novel, a thought-provoking story with a barrelful of surprises, is about a trio of anthropologists living in a primitive society as observers.

Seterwind 6 декабря 2014 г., 06:30


омг, Young-adult и Романовы))))

0 09.12.14

Да, меня тоже позабавило. Любопытно, что другая книга о Романовых, The Romanov Sisters: The Lost Lives of the Daughters of Nicholas and Alexandra , стала самой популярной у читателей Goodreads в этом году. Видимо, на западе какой-то тренд :)

0 09.12.14