Многотомное издание «Old Boy» — 8 книг

Dark Horse

Garon Tsuchiya's and Nobuaki Minegishi's Old Boy manga series.
8-volumes paperback edition.
Published by Dark Horse Comics.

Ten years ago, they took him. He doesn't know who. For ten years he has been confined in a private prison. He doesn't know why. For ten years his only contact with the outside world has been a television set and the voice of his jailers. In time, he lost himself... changed... transformed himself into something else... something hard... something lethal. Suddenly one day, his incarceration ends, again without explanation. He is sedated, stuffed inside a trunk, and dumped in a park. When he awakes, he is free to reclaim what's left of his life... and what's left is revenge.

Категория: многотомные издания

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 - Old Boy. Volume 8

«Dark Horse Manga» 2015 г. ISBN: 9781593077228
 - Old Boy. Volume 7

«Dark Horse Manga» 2015 г. ISBN: 9781593077211
 - Old Boy. Volume 6

«Dark Horse Manga» 2015 г. ISBN: 9781593077204
Old Boy. Volume 1
Гарон Цутия, Нобуаки Минэгиси
Год издания:2015
Издательство:Dark Horse Manga

Ten years ago, they took him. He doesn't know who. For ten years he has been confined in a private prison. He doesn't know why. For ten years his only contact with the outside…

Old Boy. Volume 2
Гарон Цутия, Нобуаки Минэгиси
Год издания:2015
Издательство:Dark Horse Manga

Deciding that he must know the truth, the man who calls himself "Yamashita" follows a trail of clues that lead him back to the mysterious building where he was imprisoned and kept…

Old Boy. Volume 3
Гарон Цутия, Нобуаки Минэгиси
Год издания:2015
Издательство:Dark Horse Manga

The deadly game of cat-and-mouse continues! Imprisoned for a decade without trial or explanation - and then released just as unceremoniously - and now armed with a cell phone that…

Old Boy. Volume 4
Гарон Цутия, Нобуаки Минэгиси
Год издания:2015
Издательство:Dark Horse Manga

Goto's search to unearth the identity of his mysterious tormentor has led to one dead end after another, until he receives a tip that an old high school classmate may have…

Old Boy. Volume 5
Гарон Цутия, Нобуаки Минэгиси
Год издания:2015
Издательство:Dark Horse Manga

Ten years locked away in a private prison with only a TV set and a jailer's voice for company — but why? What had Goto done to deserve this unexplained forced isolation, and why…

Old Boy. Volume 6
Гарон Цутия, Нобуаки Минэгиси
Год издания:2015
Издательство:Dark Horse Manga

Goto marches forward relentlessly to discover the identity of his tormentor, the man who had Goto locked up in a private prison for ten long years without ever telling him why.…

Old Boy. Volume 7
Гарон Цутия, Нобуаки Минэгиси
Год издания:2015
Издательство:Dark Horse Manga

Imprisoned without explanation for a decade, Goto is a free man at last, but what price freedom? Now, his mysterious jailer, a former schoolmate with a lifelong grudge, has Goto…

Old Boy. Volume 8
Гарон Цутия, Нобуаки Минэгиси
Год издания:2015
Издательство:Dark Horse Manga

Imprisoned without explanation for a decade by a wealthy former schoolmate, Goto now comes to the endgame against his tormentor. If Goto cannot uncover the secret behind the…