50 Fiction Adventure Books: The Essential Man’s Library — 49 книг — стр. 3

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50 Fiction Adventure Books: The Essential Man’s Library

adventure story is one genre of literature that stays with you for a lifetime

50 лучших приключенческих произведений от http://www.artofmanliness.com/
С описаниями от составителей.

так же от редакции блога - 50 Non-fiction Adventure Books

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18. The Odyssey by Homer

Homer’s epic poem, which serves as a continuation of the events of The Iliad, is one of the first great adventure stories. Following the fall of Troy, Odysseus begins his journey home to Ithaca but is thwarted in his efforts when an angry Poseidon throws him off course, beginning a timeless adventure that is as good now as it was when written nearly 3000 years ago.

seamus 22 июня 2015 г., 23:09


19. The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien

Venture out of the shire with a young Bilbo Baggins as he discovers a world that few hobbits will ever see, pursued at length by the mysterious Gollum, from whom Bilbo had taken the enigmatic Ring of Power. Bilbo’s courage and cunning are put to the test as he attempts to relieve a very powerful dragon of his treasure horde.
FILE%20-%20MOVIE.png Хоббит: Нежданное путешествие, 2012 и продолжения

seamus 22 июня 2015 г., 23:10


20. The Lord of the Rings Series by J. R. R. Tolkien

Little introduction is needed for this, J. R. R. Tolkien’s tour de force. Tolkien’s masterful attention to detail comes to light with the peoples, places, and languages of Middle Earth, which are painted with such fine strokes that they could easily be taken to have really existed. Journey with Frodo and the Fellowship of the Ring as they endeavor to stamp out the darkness brought to Middle Earth with the return of Sauron and his minions.
FILE%20-%20MOVIE.pngВластелин колец: Братство кольца, 2001 и продолжения

seamus 22 июня 2015 г., 23:14


21. The Silmarillion by J. R. R. Tolkien

Published posthumously, this collection of tales by Tolkien works as a literary precursor to the events of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, chronicling the formation of Middle Earth and the history of its early peoples, and concluding as the events in the more famous trilogy begin to unfold.

seamus 22 июня 2015 г., 23:15


Год издания: 2009

Серия: Внеклассное чтение

22. Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson

Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic coming of age tale of the young Scotsman David, who, upon the death of his parents, seeks out his uncle to claim his inheritance. His uncle, wishing to claim the inheritance as his own, sells David into slavery in the American colonies. Adventure is found as David fights his way back to Scotland to confront his uncle and claim his birthright.
FILE%20-%20MOVIE.png роман экранизировался более 10 раз, одна из экранизаций Похищенный, 1995

seamus 22 июня 2015 г., 23:16


23. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne

This literary classic follows the exploits of the strange and mysterious Captain Nemo and his ship the Nautilus.
экранизаций много, первая в 1916
FILE%20-%20MOVIE.pngна 2016 заявлен 20000 лье под водой
FILE%20-%20MOVIE.png20000 лье под водой, 1954 с Кирком Дугласом получил 2 Оскара
FILE%20-%20MOVIE.png 20000 лье под водой, 1997, в гл. ролях - Майкл Кейн и Патрик Демпси

seamus 22 июня 2015 г., 23:16


24. The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne

This lesser know book by Jules Verne is actually a sequel to 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, although the storylines have little in common. A group of American Civil War prisoners of war escape via a hijacked hot air balloon, which eventually crashes on a mystical island where they have to fight for their survival.

seamus 22 июня 2015 г., 23:17


25. Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne

Sure, eighty days may seem like plenty of time to go around the world these days, but when Phileas Fogg wagered 20,000 British pounds he could do it back in 1872, he was certainly being optimistic. Trains, steam ships, and even the occasional elephant ride are employed in the circumnavigation as he attempts to make good on his claim.
FILE%20-%20MOVIE.pngВокруг Света за 80 дней, 1956
FILE%20-%20MOVIE.pngВокруг света за 80 дней (мини-сериал), 1989
FILE%20-%20MOVIE.pngВокруг света за 80 дней, 2004

seamus 22 июня 2015 г., 23:18


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