SOL Minsk. Собрание художественной литературы — 36 книг


Critically acclaimed when it was first published, Tuck Everlasting has become a much-loved, well-studied modern-day classic. This anniversary edition features an in-depth… Развернуть 


Год издания: 1995

Серия: Penguin Popular Classics

This story is of life in the New Forest, where four children live in hiding, disguised as a forester's grandchildren, after their father has been killed at Naseby, fighting for… Развернуть 


Творчество классика английской литературы О. Уайльда, с неподражаемым остроумием и сарказмом рисующее быт и нравы английской аристократии конца XIX века, хорошо известно… Развернуть 


Todd Anderson and his friends at Welton Academy can hardly believe how different life is since their new English professor, the flamboyant John Keating, has challenged them to… Развернуть 


His name is Tom Booker. His voice can calm wild horses, his touch can heal broken spirits. And Annie Graves has traveled across a continent to the Booker ranch in Montana,… Развернуть 


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