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11 января 2018 г. 14:24



This is one of the books that should be placed on the shelves with a red mark must read.
To begin with, the book Silent spring written by Rachel Carson is concerned on a global problem that affects not only some parts of the planet but the whole ecosystem itself. It describes and analyzes the side effects of the chemical implementation in agriculture and industry that destroys the organic lives and also poisons inorganic parts of the world. To be specific, the book consists of the seventeen chapters, where each part shows the side effects of the pesticides and insecticides (e.g. DDT, aldrin, etc.) on humans, animals and plants, water, soil and atmosphere with following case studies, and, finally, author provides some solution on the improvement of this issue.
While reading this book, it comes to the mind that with the industrial boom and all the benefits that it gave to planet, there is another side of the of the coin - the harmful effect of the progress that slowly drives all the living beings into the catastrophic consequences. Despite the facts that the book is written many years ago and is mainly focused on the USA (and few european countries), the great message by Rachel Carson followed with the beautiful and poetic style must be taken seriously.