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7 марта 2024 г. 14:14


5 Human beings are designed to pulse between the expenditure and the intermittent renewal of energy

"The Way We're Working Isn't Working" by Tony Schwartz discusses how the fast pace and high demands of today's work environment lead to widespread burnout and dissatisfaction. Schwartz explains that the main problem is our failure to properly handle our energy, which makes us feel constantly tired, uninterested, and unable to achieve our best at work.

Schwartz suggests that to perform our best and have a balanced life, we should focus on improving our four main energy types: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Instead of working longer and harder, he recommends a cycle of working hard then resting, which research shows makes us more efficient and creative.

This book is interesting because it not only identifies the issues but also gives real, practical ways to solve them for both people and organizations. Schwartz makes managing four types of energy easier by explaining each part clearly and giving useful advice to improve work and life.

"The Way We're Working Isn't Working" truly transforms my life. I've started going to sleep earlier, allowing me to rise earlier for exercise, meditation, and to ready myself for the day ahead. I'm consuming less coffee and giving more thought to setting my work priorities and organizing my daily schedule. While I acknowledge there's still much progress to be made, the impact of this book is undeniable. It is an essential read for anyone who wants to handle the challenges of today's workplace better, focusing on health, balance, and satisfaction.