2 августа 2023 г. 09:42


3 Dysfunctional Mother-Daughter Relationships

"The Push" by Ashley Audrain is undeniably a thought-provoking and controversial novel that delves deep into the complex dynamics of mother-daughter relationships across three generations. The story revolves around Blythe, a woman filled with fear and uncertainty about her ability to be a good mother to her unborn daughter. As we journey through her perspective, we witness the haunting question of whether she was unable to love her daughter from the start or if her intuition sensed something sinister lurking within her child. Audrain skillfully explores the idea of nature versus nurture, leaving us questioning if some people are destined to become destructive forces, like sociopaths or serial killers, or if parental influence plays a pivotal role in shaping them.

Throughout the book, Blythe's husband remains unsupportive, dismissing her concerns and feelings as invalid. Even in the face of tragedy, he refuses to understand her, reinforcing the societal norm of a mother being solely responsible for the well-being of their child. The novel is both fascinating and unsettling, capturing moments of slow narration that contribute to its eerie atmosphere. While some parts may feel slow or even tedious, "The Push" remains a compelling read for those intrigued by the exploration of childhood psychopathy and the complexities of motherhood. As we navigate through the dark layers of the narrative, the book leaves us pondering whether parents can prevent the emergence of such destructive tendencies, and while answers may remain elusive, the journey into these depths is certainly worth the read.


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