22 июня 2023 г. 11:24


5 Change from a judge-and-be-judged mindset to a learn-and-help-learn mindset

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck is an incredibly powerful book that has the potential to transform individuals and, in turn, change the world. Written by Stanford University professor, researcher, and psychologist Carol Dweck, this book presents a groundbreaking idea: it is not innate intelligence, talent, or education that distinguishes successful individuals, but rather their mindset and approach to life's challenges.

From a young age, I was taught that good behavior and excellent grades defined my worth. I held the misconception that success meant effortlessly showing my intelligence and talent. Mistakes became my enemy, and each failure left me feeling like a loser, a failure, or even an idiot. I wallowed in self-pity and questioned why I should even bother if I wasn't naturally good at something.

However, Mindset completely shifted my perspective on failure. It taught me to view setbacks as an inevitable part of the learning process. Instead of labeling myself and giving up, I now approach mistakes as opportunities for growth. I actively work on learning from my failures, using them as stepping stones towards improvement. I've discovered the joy of learning, understanding that I may not become the next Thomas Edison, but I can become a better version of myself.

The book is filled with relatable examples. Dweck provides fascinating insights into how different mindsets shape our perception of difficulties, criticism, family interactions, and teamwork. Moreover, she offers practical steps and strategies to help us change our way of thinking.

Overall, Mindset is one of those rare gems where the benefits of reading far outweigh the time invested. I wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone. This book has the potential to reshape our beliefs about success, failure, and personal growth, allowing us to unlock our full potential and achieve success in all areas of life. Don't miss out on this life-changing read!


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