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23 февраля 2023 г. 20:19



This is such a brilliant piece, I seriously wish I read it earlier.

In fact, it is a "love it" or "hate it" type of book, and I can say I really loved it. At the same time I can't help noting that any type of book should be read mindfully, which means not to take everything written literally. There are a lot of pretty good ideas expressed there, but like in any other case with any other book or advice, before trying something out think before doing it, if it actually makes sense to you and if you will feel good doing it. Don't implement something that doesn't feel right for you, that's the key.

I think if I read it earlier it would have helped me avoid so many mistakes. But even for now, now that I've already done so many of them and turned out to be the typical "nice girl" described, once I started reading this piece and testing out some of its ideas in practice, I can say both my relationship and my personal attitude towards myself improved greatly. It is a very empowering piece. Just... don't overdo it, you know. Don't try too hard. Read and practice mindfully.