

Эксперт Лайвлиба

14 декабря 2013 г. 23:00



I wonder what language to choose in my review on this book. So let it be english as well as the language I've read the book on.
I do not want to dwell upon the characters of Jerusha and her partial pen-friend Daddy-Long-Legs, as the story is very naive (and Jerusha herself too) for a modern adult reader. Perhaps a century ago, as the book was written in 1912, that was a normal way to behave for a young lady, but I still cannot approve the behavior of Daddy-Long-Legs.
This is what can be called young adult book. Nonetheless the main heroine is a college student, she describes the college years and her new life outside the asylum's walls in her letters so vividly that it can be of interest for younger readers, mainly teenage girls I suppose.
The language is very plain and easy to understand for an english learner and requires upper intermediate knowledge of the language.

Прочитано в рамках игры "Школьная вселенная" - предмет "Букинистика"


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