13 ноября 2021 г. 03:20


3 we need more ace representation

It's 2 am right now, I'm lying I'm bed and I've FINALLY finished this book. I really wanted to love it, because we finally got some aroace representation in ya, but I just didn't.

First quarter of the book was great. I loved every page of it, because it was really relatable. But I got bored pretty soon.

Most of all I didn't like the writing. I'm sorry, that's my first book by Alice Osman, so I'm not familiar with her style, but I didn't like at all how short every chapter was. It was so frustrating to read to be honest. Also, sentences were short as well and kinda weird if that makes sense?

What I mean when it comes to dialogues they were extremely weird sometimes. I was sitting with the open book and just asked myself “Do teenagers really communicate like that?”. I don't know, sorry, maybe that's just my problem of perception.

So I already told you that I totally loved first quarter of the book BUT all those short (yeap, I'll remind you one more time) chapters became very repetitive really soon. Like basically I'll make you a small recap of the book (no spoilers tbh, since it's obvious from the description.

First half of it — Georgia (main character) really wants to kiss someone, to like someone, to find boy/girlfriend or at least to understand who she prefers when it comes to gender (I'm not sure if that's the right word, I'm sorry, no intentions to offend anyone).

And then we have second half, when Georgia finally accepts herself being aroace (so happy for her, really, that was my last fav part). After that it's just mostly Georgia's explanations to everyone from her circle (family/friends) what her sexuality is and what does it mean.

Again, I'm extremely happy that I've finally found some relatable representation of aces (research has been done, you can't deny that) in young adult, but did I like this book besides that? Nah, I'm sorry. I hope Alice's other books are better, cause I was really excited to read some of them.


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