Больше рецензий

25 февраля 2013 г. 09:56



- Hey, wice man, tear me a store, but only a pig one!

- Sometimes the willie voice insight starts poor-moustache – avery book borned, everywhereas if und der a carbone pauper wright, all world’s family are, and time pisses, grave old! Ant you find thees. On onethouishand it is justwash to seamore in telling gently, button a motherland it is a challength to mineself. Book of the Duck, as its Au-Thor calls it. The Duckiest of Duckies. Buckley aftor Buck, stuffs aftear Stephen – howe quiet! One of the cozziest und cuzziest Meister’s pussies, idual insamenia for a tide «outlex» (sick! illsick!). Giftehopter, for whom the balls tolls – really? – Oh, Riley! Realie, as proveous books. His leaf, your loaf, my laugh – the Secred Truity, witch is the on-live soulvation.

- An off tolkien a boat crustian Krapp! I need a plot, not a plod! What are these boobs abound?

- Needle plot? Lazy felloff! Hear it is: ofmiceandmenydiffarnotdingansichbinarycodostrophilosoftpornitologicarussiangenervouslevourmajusticktothetextended

- If u gonna tulle it on LoveLiebe, there mist be a noice que…quo…quitation!

- I have one. Choke it out!

Every letter is a godsend, ardent Ares, brusque Boreas and glib Ganymede like zealous Zeus, the O’Meghisthest of all

- Astoneissy! I wanna boop dis boobs! Bud how manny ode riders should I know?

- If you’re swift of wit, rid venividivico, mortem prinz, nikky of causa and jordán brunehilde. Don’t be a freud of queenet, just shake beer and drink bruhly. Goether yeats roast byrons (nice flobers), wilde ye malor. Car rollers, dust or N-sky (Czech!), deny el death or… Blava! Hot! And alient worst lands after that. Don’t forgoldsmith ipse!

- Is there Hand Gel?

- Gegen! Yes. Ass well ass Greecchus. And lots of sternellos. Finenail – toastments end other sacrified forks. Evnen Buick of the Dad.

- Tanks! Butt vote to do then?

- Aftear that you’ll bee an old wrung like meat. And you’ll half to reread, reroad, reride through this rude rare reed.

- Riddles, derriddles again in a game…

- Aye! Remumble:

Every telling has a taling and that’s the he and she of it

Ветка комментариев

:) Haydn thin kso. Author all, it's junkst a poon i(m/nv)itation.