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Эксперт Лайвлиба

11 февраля 2013 г. 13:35



Just someone needs for someone else...

It's a romantic novel about two women who were involved martial arts and each other. It may be a little education program for you in the power world of Taekwondo and Aikido. Additionally there are many talks among heroes about application of the power, usefulness of psychological training, and of course sexual relationships.
The book is not difficult for reading despite sometime you involuntarily have worrying for heroes. There are some humor, some love, some friendship and I think it may be read. For me this book even caused interest to the martial arts.

P.S.: In the beginning of the book there is a moment where women watched the film "Claire of the moon". It is a real film with beautiful music of Shopen produced in Russia as "Клэр, упавшая с луны".