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Надежда надеется, но уже не так как раньше

31 мая 2020 г. 19:48


3 Все племянницы когда-нибудь становятся тётками

А вот если у вас есть магические способности, то вы становитесь уж очень странными и ненормальными тётками. Но вот о конце книги я как-то не догадывалась.

Итак, я хотела вернуться к чтению на английском - а в итоге перешла на аудиокниги. Почему-то часто появлялось это название. А ещё оказывается, что мною обожаемая Риз Уизерспун его рекомендует. Так что была не была - и 11 часов с чем-то с ускорением порой я прослушала эту книгу.

Сюжет довольно незамысловат. А судьба всех троих детей была очень разной. Все нашли свою любовь и все потеряли. Всего один сиблинг оставил так сказать потомство и то, нечаянно и не зная того. И я не угадала, кто же в итоге придёт к Фрэнни и Джeт. Не сказала бы, что это лучшая книга на тему волшебства и взролсения или даже семейная сага, что я прочитала (прослушала). Но было приятно снова вернутся к четнию на английском спустя полгода.

I had an amazing reader in the storyteller. Very calm intonation. I assume it works best for the tome of the book as the plot itself unwraps very calmly and evenly. The plot resembled a lot of Unfortunate events series - children losing their family and then trying to survive. Still think that there were not enough about aunt Elisabeth. She could have been a very interesting character that we saw closely not in the summer the 3 siblings spend in Massachusetts but during her last 10 days in this world. The magic wasn't with magic wands or flying. It was more about knowing more than others and using it for the good of all people even if that makes you sad and unloved.

What is done - can not be undone.
Everything has its price.

I believe these two sentences are the real rules of magic - and not that stuff that we read in annotation or in the first chapter from Susanne. And then to my surprise the same thing was said by the girls - now old ladies - said to the new girls coming to the old house.

There are always rules and the price that we paying for not following them/ Frannie lost a decade that she could have spend with her beloved one. And then was grieving even after living with him against all odds. Get who I thought would have the most romantic story out of all three - remain faithful to her first love, throughout all her life. And Vincent - thank god I haven't read the annotation on Livelibe. It gives too many spoilers. His story must have been a very sad and very happy one at the same time. He lost his life and his family to save his love. He was lost by his sisters and was found by himself.

The real history is very subtle here. It does play an important role - the Vietnam war and military obligatory service. I did not know about the lottery based on the birthdates. I would have to check and google that.

I was very attentive while listening and very observant with quite different behavior of all three siblings. But. Even though it is quite entertaining and well-written I can not say that I loved it that much. It was nice, almost good but not great enough to me to recommend to anyone.

THey did fight for love. Sometimes they struggle for money. Mayve if I have read it in some other time - not amid covid-19 I would have another experience.

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