
28 апреля 2024 г., 22:54

•A doom loop refers to a self-reinforcing cycle in which negative events or circumstances exacerbate each other, leading to a downward spiral or worsening situation.

•Doom loops of many actors create a story web. This shared world can seem as if it is just "the way it is," when in fact it is just one of many possible realities.

•A delight loop is the opposite effect of actors creating a positive set of events that exacerbate each other

•we use self-sealing logic to maintain a sense of certainty and control, as well as a collective self-image of who we are and what we stand for

•Questioning your governing beliefs can lead to profound change, but because so many other beliefs are based on them, there's a lot at stake

•If you are not willing to look at your own contributions and inputs to the situation as part of the problem, you won't be able to see it clearly

•Beginner's mind means that you take on an attitude of openness, curiosity, and eagerness to learn, that you come to a new situation with a blank slate and an open mind, just as a beginner would, even if you are already an expert in a subject.

•Liminal thinking requires creation of safe spaces. It's not possible to have a meaningful dialogue across belief bubbles if people don't feel safe, and safe space requires trust.

•Sometimes, the solution makes the problem worse; that's when you get a real conundrum. What do you do? You have to step outside the problem, and then you have to start looking at the solution as well as the problem; and often, the answer to solving that problem is not attacking the problem, itself, but attacking the solution.

•Whenever you find yourself stuck in any kind of recurring pattern, try something random. Anything you can do that throws that train off the rails will create new openings and might help you see the whole situation in a new way

•Pick an area of your life where you would like to see positive change. Make a list of your beliefs about that situation. For each belief on the list, make a list of alternative beliefs. They don't have to be things you actually think are true, just things that might possibly be true. Make sure you put a few absurd things on the list. Now, pick a belief that looks interesting and act as if it were true for a period of time. See what happens

•instead of breaking a pattern of failure and trying new behavior, people make up self sealing stories