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5 мая 2021 г., 14:35

•Are the basic needs involved in identifying poverty better specified in terms of commodities, or in terms of'characteristics'? Wheat, rice, potatoes, etc., are commodities, while calories, protein, vitamins, etc., are characteristics of these commodities that the consumers seek. While calories are necessary for survival, neither wheat nor rice is.

•Poverty can be measured in two ways: by consumption and by cash flow

•Every culture, country have different approaches to saving money and to consuming

•A person starves either because he does not have the ability to command enough food, or because he does not use this ability to avoid starvation.

•An important aspect of the famine was its association with an uneven expansion in incomes and purchasing powers. Those involved in military, in industries stimulated by war activities could exercise strong demand pressures on food, while others excluded from this protection had to take the consequences of the rise in food prices. 

•Viewed from the entitlement angle, there is nothing extraordinary in the market mechanism taking food away from famine-stricken areas to elsewhere. If the region doesn't have much to exchange, one can't demand very much