
13 апреля 2018 г., 12:29

There were those who considered scientists heartless, or cruel, or uncompassionate, because of moments like these: anyone who could turn their back on a tragedy to chase down something seemingly inconsequential like a sonar rig was clearly somehow less than human. What Tory would have explained, if she`d been in a position to do so, was that curiosity was part of what made them absolutely human. Curiosity was the reason humanity had cone down from the trees and spread across the world. Sadness was tempting. Sorrow held more charms than most people liked to think, and it would swallow her whole if she let it. She had been dancing with sorrow since the Atargatis. But that was what made it important that other things happen even when the sad things were already going on.
She couldn`t bring Heather back. She couldn`t change the past. That didn`t mean she couldn`t avenge Heather, and her own sister, for the sake of the people who`d been left behind. Sometimes science was the closes thing to the sword of an avenging angel humanity was ever going to get.