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20 мая 2017 г., 08:35

The Middle Ages exploited Antiquity within their own frames, and they were succeeded by a new departure which rediscovered more of Antiquity differently, and was aptly named Renaissance. Ultramodernist Joyce always turned back to the classics, Aristotle, Homer, Ovid; to medieval figures like Augustine, Aquinas, Dante; and later to Giordano Bruno, Nicolas of Cusa, Pico della Mirandola, or Shakespeare. History, Vico, and Finnegans Wake all say that each impulse of new life is a revival. Some such revivals, like the Irish Renaissance, appeared to Joyce too narrow-mindedly nostalgic. His backward looks were far more radical. If anyone, Joyce was always altering, remodeling times, including his own past. A Portrait puts this into words and style. Dubliners went into Finnegans Wake and Finnegans Wake changed Dubliners for us.