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16 декабря 2011 г., 17:09

"There's a certain kind of artist these days", he went on, "whose greatest talent lies in hiding away from the real world. Unfortunately, such artists appear to be in dominance at present, and you, Ono, have come under the sway of one of them. Don't look so angry, it's true. Your knowledge of the world is like a child's. I doubt, for instance, if you could even tell me who Karl Marx was."
I gave him what must have been a sulky look, but said nothing. He gave a laugh and said: "You see? But don't be so upset. Most of your colleagues know no better."
"Don't be ridiculous. Of course I know of Karl Marx."
"Why, I'm sorry, Ono, perhaps I did underestimate you. Please, tell me about Marx."
I shrugged and said: "I believe he led the Russian revolution."
"Then what about Lenin, Ono? Was he perhaps Marx's second-in-command?"
"A colleague of some kind." I saw Matsuda was grinning again, and so said quickly, before he could speak: "In any case, you're being preposterous. These are the concerns of some far-away country. I'm talking about the poor here in our own country."