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14 сентября 2016 г., 08:58

Phone rings.
CUSTOMER: Hi. I was wondering if you could help me. I’m looking for a book for my niece. She’s six and I’ve no idea what to buy her.
BOOKSELLER: Sure. What kinds of things is she in to?
CUSTOMER: I don’t really know. I don’t see her very often – my sister lives abroad.
BOOKSELLER: OK, what’s her name?
BOOKSELLER: Ah, well, have you considered the Dick King Smith Sophie series? There’s even a book called Sophie’s Six.
CUSTOMER: OK, sure, that sounds like a good idea.
BOOKSELLER: Do you want me to double check that we have those in stock? I’m pretty sure we do.
CUSTOMER: No, it’s OK. I’m just going to order them online.
BOOKSELLER: But... we just gave you the recommendation.
CUSTOMER: I know, and I appreciate it. It’s a pain that Amazon don’t have a physical person I can ask about this sort of thing. Still, I can always rely on you guys for advice.