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27 апреля 2011 г., 23:36

Beside Diana, Dickie rolled her eyes. 'Really Diana,' she said, 'what a bore this is!'
'What a bore!' I turned to her. 'Look at you, you old cow, dressed up in a satin shirt like a boy of seventeen. Dorian Gray? You look more like the bleedin' portrait, after Dorian has made a few trips down the docks!'
Dickie twitched, then grew pale. Several of the ladies laughed, and one of them was Maria. 'My dear boy - !' she
'Don't "dear boy" me, you ugly bitch!' I said to her then. 'You're as bad as her, in your Turkish trousers. What are you, looking for your harem? No wonder they are off fucking each other with their enormous parts, if they have you as their master. You have had your fingers all over me, for a year and a half; but if a real girl was ever to uncover her tit and put it in your hand, you would have to ring for your maid, for her to show you what to do with it!'
'That's enough!' This was Diana. She was gazing at me, white-faced and furious, but still terribly calm.