Серия книг «Phoenix Fiction» — 4 книги

Последние добавленные книги

The Conquerors
André Malraux
Год издания:1991
Издательство:University Of Chicago Press
Серия:Phoenix Fiction

The Conquerors describes the struggle between the Kuomintang and the Communists in the Cantonese revolution of the 1920s. It is both an exciting war story and a gallery of…

Old Masters: A Comedy
Thomas Bernhard
Год издания:1992
Издательство:University Of Chicago Press
Серия:Phoenix Fiction

In this exuberantly satirical novel, the tutor Atzbacher has been summoned by his friend Reger to meet him in a Viennese museum. While Reger gazes at a Tintoretto portrait,…

The Young Lions
Ирвин Шоу
ISBN:978-0-226-75129-0, 0-226-75129-5
Год издания:2000
Издательство:University Of Chicago Press
Серия:Phoenix Fiction

THE YOUNG LIONS is a vivid and classic novel that portrays the experiences of ordinary soldiers fighting World War II. Told from the points of view of a perceptive young Nazi, a…

Short Stories: Five Decades
Irwin Shaw
Год издания:2000
Издательство:University Of Chicago Press
Серия:Phoenix Fiction

Featuring sixty-three stories spanning five decades, this superb collection-including "Girls in Their Summer Dresses," "Sailor Off the Bremen," and "The Eighty-Yard Run"-clearly…