Рецензии на книги издательства «Ltd»

Оценка wastedsupafly:  3.5  
Sell more

What makes a great salesperson? No one is “born” a great salesperson. Becoming one requires the right attitude, good communication skills, and solid product knowledge.

Sales guru Jeffrey Gitomer gave the world his unique insight into sales when The Sales Bible was first published some 20 years ago.

1) Success in sales starts with a positive attitude. Make it a goal to sell with a smile.

Our thoughts create our attitude, or the system of beliefs that inspire what we say and what we do.

In sales, it’s not your quick wit or silver tongue that seals the deal, but your attitude.

A number of studies performed across the United States have shown that in fact, a salesperson’s poor attitude is the primary factor for failing to sell.

Changing your attitude is a matter of discipline. Developing a… Развернуть