Книги издательства «801 Media»

Ze Vol. 11
Юки Симидзу
ISBN:9781934129845, ‎ 9781934129845
Год издания:2016
Издательство:801 Media

There are different ways to love someone. Some relationships are painful. Some are bittersweet. Some are warm and beautiful. What would it be for Waki, the man who held the Kami…

Ze Vol. 10
Юки Симидзу
ISBN:1934129836, 9781934129838
Год издания:2015
Издательство:801 Media

When master of puppets Waki tumbles headfirst into the strange and sunny world of a wild man whose spirit burns like a flame, he suspects nothing will ever be the same! Can magic,…

Ze Vol. 9
Юки Симидзу
ISBN:1934129828, 9781934129821
Год издания:2014
Издательство:801 Media

Shoui has long prepared himself for the day when Asari must go away. But does their extraordinary bond go beyond mere tradition? Can a sweet, sacred promise, and shared feelings…

Ze Vol. 8
Юки Симидзу
ISBN:1934129704, 9781934129708
Год издания:2014
Издательство:801 Media

Within the venerable Mitou Family are born powerful Kotodama who possess the power to both control and hurt others with their words. In turn, they are controlled by their…

Ze Vol. 7
Юки Симидзу
ISBN:1934129690, ‎ 9781934129692
Год издания:2013
Издательство:801 Media

Konoe has been assigned to a new partner, Kotoha. The smallest and youngest of the family power ― he's still so little he's been locked up in a small room in the back of the…

Ze Vol. 6
Юки Симидзу
ISBN:1934129372, 9781934129371
Год издания:2009
Издательство:801 Media

Raizo has recently moved into a strange mansion upon the death of his last living relative. Given room and board in exchange for taking over the household chores for the half…

Ze Vol. 5
Юки Симидзу
ISBN:1934129364, ‎ 9781934129364
Год издания:2009
Издательство:801 Media

From the time they met, it was always the same: Genma commanded Himi with a beautiful voice dripping with arrogance. Himi trembled with humiliation and desire, but had no means to…

Ze Vol. 4
Юки Симидзу
ISBN:1934129356, 9781934129357
Год издания:2009
Издательство:801 Media

Raizo has recently moved into a strange mansion upon the death of his last living relative. Given room and board in exchange for taking over the household chores for the half…

Ze Vol. 3
Юки Симидзу
ISBN:1934129348, 9781934129340
Год издания:2009
Издательство:801 Media

From the time they met, it was always the same: Genma commanded Himi with a beautiful voice dripping with arrogance. Himi trembled with humiliation and desire, but had no means to…

Ze Vol. 2
Юки Симидзу
ISBN:193412933X, 9781934129333
Год издания:2009
Издательство:801 Media

Raizo was smitten by Kon at first sight, and the two have spent their day not as any other couple would ― with messy flirting all aroung the mansion! But love is never easy, and…

Ze Vol. 1
Юки Симидзу
ISBN:1934129321, 9781934129326
Год издания:2009
Издательство:801 Media

If Fruits Baskets was done as a yaoi manga, it might look something like this...
Raizo has recently moved into a strange mansion upon the death of his last living relative. Given…