Книги издательства «Elsewhen Press»

Terry Grimwood
Год издания:2022
Издательство:Elsewhen Press

The Grubby Dance of Politics didn't end when we left the solar system, it followed us to the stars.

Stray pilot
Douglas Thompson
Год издания:2022
Издательство:Elsewhen Press

A passionate environmental allegory
Thomas Tellman, an RAF pilot who disappeared pursuing a UFO in 1948, unexpectedly returns entirely un-aged to a small town on Scotland’s…

The Deep and Shining Dark
Juliet Kemp
Год издания:2018
Издательство:Elsewhen Press
Серия:the Marek series #1

Magic within the city-state of Marek works without the need for bloodletting, unlike elsewhere in Teren, thanks to an agreement three hundred years ago between an angel and the…